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TOEIC Part5練習問題 111~113問

111 The post office released a ----------- stamp of the Beatles that was among its most popular stamps ever. a. commemorative b. commemorating c. commemoration d. commemorated 空所にはstampを修飾する形容詞が入ります。commemorateは「~を祝…

TOEIC Part5練習問題 108~110問

108 To ------ with the government’s new workplace regulations, we had to hire more handicapped people. a. obey b. fulfill c. comply d. accomplish 空所には「従う」という意味の動詞が入ります。aとbは他動詞なので、空所の後のwithと両立しません…

TOEIC Part5練習問題 105~107問

105 Salespeople who sell 6000 dollars’ worth of merchandise the first month of the job --------- to the next salary level. a. promote b. will promote c. are promoted d. is promoting promoteは「昇進させる」という意味の他動詞なので、ここでは…

TOEIC Part5練習問題 102~104問

102 In order for you to get the reimbursement, your expense report should ------- filled by the 15th of May, and it wasn’t. a. be b. was c. have d. have been 仮定法過去完了の問題です。コンマの後のit wasn’tから、過去の話であることがわかりま…

TOEIC Part5練習問題 99~101問

99 There is a fortuneteller who has the --------- ability to predict natural disasters. a. uncompromising b. unclaimed c. uncovered d. uncanny aのuncompromisingは「妥協しない、不屈の」、bのunclaimedは「要求されていない」、 cのuncoveredは「…

TOEIC Part5練習問題 96~98問

96 Henry Williams, ------- his Harvard Degree and polished manners, is one of ABX Company’s rising stars. a. has b. despite c. because d. with 二つ目のカンマの後にisがあるので、カンマとカンマの間には挿入句が入ることがわかります。 正解 d …

TOEIC Part5練習問題 93~95問

93 Mr. Williams has many cute things in his office, --------- a picture of his newborn baby. a. it is b. such as c. that is d. like as まず選択肢をbとcに絞ります。次に、空所の前はmany cute thingsと複数になっているのに、空所の後はa picture…